Video of performance with EarSay Youth Voices:

EarSay Youth Project- Peace In the Streets March Performance-HD from EarSay Inc on Vimeo.

Song by Adrienne Cooper translated by the group.

Khasidic song (Yiddish) adapted by Adrienne Cooper with English verse by Sarah Gordon.
This is a work-in-progress video of rehearsal and live performance. We are working toward making a fuller music video with multiple translations of the song, visual elements will include the text in multiple languages.
Adapted for EarSay youth by Judith Sloan and Marsha Gildin
Music Direction Judith Sloan
Performance from LaGuardia Performing Arts Center for the International High School
Musicians Miwi La Lupa bass , Deep Singh percussion, Josh Henderson viola.
Singers Marsha Gildin and Caridad De La Luz (La Bruja)
Movement performers: Aby Fall, Mei Dan Li, Rachel Liu, Elizaveta Liutova, Kai Liu, Nancy Monahan
Assistant Movement Choreographers: Genevieve Beaudoin and Nancy Monahan
Video edited by Danny Kim