Jericho’s Daughter

Written and designed by Warren Lehrer. Images by Sharon Horvath.
Published by EarSay. June, 2024.
6.75” x 9” x 50 pages. Full color. Wraparound dos-à-dos binding, hand-sewn, printed on archival paper.
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About the book:
Jericho’s Daughter is Lehrer’s anti-war, feminist retelling of the biblical tale of Rahab, the Canaanite “harlot” who lived in a mud hut inside the wall of Jericho. The beautifully produced, full-color book is illuminated with original images and objects created by acclaimed painter/artist Sharon Horvath, bound in a dos-à dos binding, once used to bind Old and New Testaments together. “Lehrer’s text and Horvath’s images revive the story of Rahab with resonance for unfolding events in the 21st century, but also emphasizing a feminist revision to the stigmatization of her self-determination and independence. Rahab’s entreaty to end the cycles of violence that have been part of the long history of Israel and Gaza could not be more relevant. This book will provide its own enduring legacy as a document of this moment in time.”
Johanna Drucker, leading visual literature scholar, author of countless books including Testament of Women