This Page is an Occupied Territory

Written by Adeena Karasick. Visualized by WARREN LEHRER.
Published by EarSay & NuJu Books. October, 2024.
11.5” x 14.5” x 28 pages. Tabloid Newspaper poem. 

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This Page is an Occupied Territory is a limited-edition newspaper-poem written by poet, cultural critic Adeena Karasick, visualized by author, designer, Warren Lehrer. Composed in reaction to the ongoing occupation/war/slaughter in Israel/Gaza, Karasick’s text and Lehrer’s visuals approach language and the page itself as an occupied territory. Together they investigate notions of possession by force, borders, blockades, barriers, translation (whereby one language is layered onto the body of another), and the word war as an English noun and verb meaning “conflict” and a German adjective [wàhr] meaning what’s “true, real, genuine,” literally places “war” at war with itself. To wit, “wà[h]r” not only “occupies” the homography between the ear and the eye; the babelism at play between speech and writing—but born in “differance,” madness and effacement, the notion of “occupation” points to how what’s “true” is always in conflict. Many of the typographic elements were printed letterpress at the Center for Book Arts in NYC and the Center for Editions at SUNY Purchase. The final newspaper was printed at Newspaper Club in Glasgow, Scotland.