Judith Sloan and Najla Said Project to find out about the future of the project please sign up here.

Please fill out the form and we will be in touch with information about future events. 

Imperfect Allies is a project with Judith SloanJewish-American actor, writer, educator, and radio producer and Najla Said, Palestinian-American actor, writer, and activist. This project was conceived several years prior to the current heart- and soul-breaking violence in Palestine/Israel. Our goal was and is to bring people together by using tools of art, diplomacy, and listening in order to understand each other better, build strategies, and work together. As artists, communicators and healers, Sloan and Said will present a 15-minute performance, followed by a dialogue among all in attendance. How do we talk to each other here in NYC? How can we find common ground in our push for an end to the carnage in Gaza? The dialogues are limited to a small number of attendees and by reservation only. We have held three dialogues so far and all were full. We have a waiting list of over 150 and will be able to update people as the project develops.